Visualization + idea generation

Archana Surana ARCH College of Design, Foundation Course in Art / Design. A six-week module was fast tracked in two weeks. I made it into a collaborative project with a treasure hunt of talent in the neighborhood. Foundation level students had to present their understanding of the talents they had found in the neighborhood inContinue reading “Visualization + idea generation”

Fear & (C) loathing

Ellen McCartney California Inst. of the Arts, BFA 1 Experience Design & Production Design Year 1 n a class titled Fear and (C)loathing, students explore five topics that trigger emotional reactions, and those responses are being expressed throughout the creation of a dress. The topics they explore are War and Sports, Biological and Artificial, Spiritual,Continue reading “Fear & (C) loathing”

The Neighbourhood of Feelings

Mirentxu Sardina EASD Castello (Spain) Interior Design In interior design projects, our students get into trouble by getting emotionally involved or by having conceptual arguments.  In response, I have developed an exercise that I call ‘the neighborhood of feelings’, an introduction to the emotional aspects of interior design and an exercise in getting to knowContinue reading “The Neighbourhood of Feelings”